Gotham Gator Club - International Gator Day NYC: KEEN Basketball Volunteer Project

Event Image
When:  May 18, 2024 from 12:00 to 13:30 (ET)
Associated with  Gotham Gator Club®


Brearley School
590 East 83rd Street
New York, NY 10028

The Gotham Gator Club is excited to volunteer with KEEN(Kids Enjoy Exercise Now)

for International Gator Day 2024 in New York City!

We invite New York tri-state Gators to join Gator Clubs® and Affiliate Groups from around the world to volunteer in your local community together on Saturday, May 18th!

This year we begin IGD in Manhattan at the KEEN basketball project on the Upper East Side.

After this project we will commute to Jersey City for our afternoon IGD project painting and clean a refugee shelter. (Separate registration is required.)

Volunteering at KEEN has been one of Gotham Gators' favorite volunteer projects. No experience is required. A brief orientation will lead you to a morning of smiles and fun for all ages. This will be the 7th year the Gotham Gators will participate in KEEN's program for International Gator Day!

Please join us at KEEN for the UES Basketball Program for children and young adults with disabilities.

This is a non-competitive sports program with special needs kids to help them discover just how much they can do!

KEEN fosters the self-esteem, confidence, and talents of young people facing significant challenges, empowering them to meet their individual goals.

KEEN New York's Manhattan Basketball is an indoor program for our athletes who wish to shoot some hoops, practice their ball-handling skills, and finesse their footwork all in a team setting.

During the program, athletes and Gator volunteers come together for one-to-one activities. They have a group warm up, and then volunteer coaches help each athlete practice exercises and drills. The session ends with everyone coming together in a circle and sharing with the group what they did that day "that made them very Proud" (followed closely by a round of Hot Potato!).