Student Engagement

Student Engagement (also dog)

Florida Cicerones act as the governing body of Students Today, Alumni Tomorrow (STAT). Within Florida Cicerones, four committees led by an executive board member are dedicated to enhancing the student experience through the membership benefits of STAT. These committees which include STAT Public Relations, BEAT Tees, BEAT Tailgate, and F-Book aim to create an environment to foster the relationship between the current student body and the University of Florida Alumni Association.

Become a STAT MEmber Today!

Beat Tee Giveaways
The BEAT Tee Committee collaborates with a professional graphic designer from the Alumni Association to create a t-shirt design for each home football game as well as coordinate the BEAT Tee giveaways. At these events, STAT members wait outside Emerson Alumni Hall to receive an exclusive shirt. 

BEAT Tee Giveaways
UF Traditions
Florida Cicerones strive to keep UF traditions alive by creating the F-Book and connecting Gators to one another. Student members of STAT can get involved in tradition keeping by downloading The Gator Nation App to virtually log their traditions and submit photos to be featured in the upcoming F-Book. 

STAT Traditions

Beat Tailgates
Every home football game, Florida Cicerones help staff the Beat Tailgates to welcome back UF alumni and Gator fans alike. We interact with over one thousand guests at each of these events and thoroughly enjoy the unrivaled spirit of the fans we host. Student Life Members of STAT are welcome to bring two complimentary guests! 

Beat Tailgates