Ashley Smuder



Soloman_Brent.jpgALUM_40Under40_Logo-white-01.pngAshley Smuder
BSAPK '06, MS '08, Ph. D '12  |  Gainesville, FL

Assistant Professor
University of Florida
INDUSTRY: Higher Education


Ashley Smuder is an Assistant Professor and the Director of the Molecular Cardiology and Myology Laboratory in the Department of Applied Physiology and Kinesiology at the University of Florida.

She developed her passion for medical research at the University of Florida while working as an undergraduate volunteer in the laboratory of Dr. Scott Powers. In pursuing her graduate studies, Ashley investigated respiratory muscle weakness and its contribution to difficulties in weaning patients from mechanical ventilation. Following graduation with her master’s and doctoral degrees from the University of Florida, she began her career as an Assistant Professor and established her independent laboratory. Her research focuses on improving quality of life of cancer patients and survivors by investigating the mechanisms responsible for cardiac and respiratory muscle dysfunction following exposure to chemotherapy. In particular, her current work is aimed at determining the potential for increased physical activity to enhance patient outcomes.

In accomplishing her research goals Dr. Smuder has been successful in receiving grant funding from the National Institutes of Health and the American Heart Association, she has published her research in high impact peer-reviewed journals, and is actively training and advising the next generation of undergraduate and graduate students at the University of Florida.