
Mr. Rich Alexander Jr.

Rainbow Tree Co.

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Rainbow Tree Co.


The vast majority of Americans live, work and relax in an urban forest environment. Trees provide inestimable value to every community, and utility power lines are critical to maintain increasingly technologically driven lives.

Utility companies are responsible for ensuring that residents receive safe, reliable power. They are simultaneously responsible for ensuring that vegetation does not cause power outages or safety issues for residents or utility workers. Cambistat is an ideal tool for utilities to use in managing vegetation near power lines.

Cambistat application allows utility companies to manage the growth of trees near power lines while also maintaining the health of these trees. In many cases, this means utilities can provide reliable power without having to cut trees down or trim trees as often. Cambistat reduces the shoot elongation of trees, which allows sugar from photosynthesis to be redirected to other “sinks” in the tree, such as storage, defense compounds and fibrous root production.

The benefits of Cambistat use on trees near power lines include:

■Healthier trees (increase in fine root development and defense compounds)
■Increased tolerance to extreme heat and drought
■Reduction of tree-related power outages
■Reduced need for tree pruning and removal