
Ms. Nicole Guevara , MD


Contact Details



•A socialized nerd with fervent desire to bridge the gap between medicine and technology. I aim to cross-breed medicine and analytics through my unyielding self-motivation and strong work ethic with:
•Over 2+ years Health Informatics experience with knowledge of health information systems, health information technology, electronic health records (EClinical Works), project management (Project Libre), health analytics, health analytics visualization (Tableau), meaningful use, and health data management (Access and SQL).
•Over 4+ years of spearheading and managing researches from conceptualization to literature review and technical writing to data management (data collection and analysis) to completion for competitions and presentations
•Over 5+ years of clinical experience on health promotion, health education, prevention and management
•Over 15+ years of community and volunteer experiences with raising awareness through health education and promotion of foundational knowledge and skills in the changing healthcare delivery system.